26th Uzbekistan International Construction Exhibition - UzBuild 2025

25 - 27 February 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / CAEx Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan will strengthen control in the construction sector and increase the seismic safety of buildings

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – AN Podrobno.uz . Uzbekistan will strengthen construction control and enhance seismic protection of high-rise buildings. This is provided for by the presidential decree of April 17, the correspondent reports Podrobno.uz .

According to the document, from June 1, a new practice of designing facilities in seismically active zones with an intensity of 8 points and above will be introduced. During the construction of buildings above nine floors and medical facilities above five floors, active seismic protection devices, including seismic insulation and a damper, will have to be used.

From July 1, installation of a device for automatic monitoring of load-bearing structures of buildings and structures will be mandatory at new facilities of III-IV (high and very high) hazard factor categories.

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services will have to monitor this, and specialists from the Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering will monitor the database of data received.

In case of an earthquake with a magnitude of 5 or higher, data on the condition of buildings and structures obtained from automatic monitoring devices of load-bearing structures should be analyzed promptly. Information on the identified danger should be immediately submitted to the Republican Council for the Coordination of Measures to ensure seismic safety of the population and territory of Uzbekistan.

Starting from June 1, a system for automatic blocking of gas and electric networks during a strong earthquake should be provided for facilities under construction of III-IV categories of hazard factor.

The authorities also plan to start restoring buildings and structures that have sunk and deformed under the influence of earthquakes. They will be strengthened by the "underground method". These works will be carried out experimentally until July 1. It is assumed that by October these measures will be fully implemented in practice when strengthening the foundations of buildings and structures and eliminating deformations.

The decree stipulates that from July 1, work should be organized on the implementation of state control of new facilities under construction, taking into account the category of danger and risk.

The Inspectorate for Control in the field of construction and housing and Communal Services will have to review the number of employees of territorial inspections carrying out state supervision in the field of construction.

An Association of Earthquake Engineering Scientists will be established at the Academy of Sciences. It will include specialists responsible for the field of ministries and departments, as well as foreign specialists. The composition will be updated every three years.

She will prepare proposals for the Republican Council for coordinating measures to ensure the seismic safety of the population and territory. Constructive ideas will have to be implemented immediately.

Also, by August 1, specialists from responsible ministries and departments will be sent to countries with extensive experience in ensuring seismic safety and construction control.

Recall that according to this decree, Uzbekistan will also prepare the population for earthquakes and create volunteer rescue teams.